
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

The Green Cover of the Sacred Tomb

Ubqari Magazine - July 2014

There were a lot of engagements on the sermon of 13th April 2014. Renowned personality of Karachi respectable Haji Masood Paarekh  invited for lunch. On the 16th of February 2014 (with reference to, daily Ummat, Karachi) the custodian of the tomb of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH), meaning such helpers who have served and cleaned the tomb over their generations. His name is Fazeelat Al-Shaikh, Ahmad ALi Noori Habshi Hifza Allah. He came to Karachi for the first time upon invitation of Haji sahib. While coming from the blessed shrine  he brought with the green silky cover whose length is 30 inches. He brought a piece of it on which various of the holy Quran are written. He brought them for respectable hag sahib as a gift. The affection and generosity of hag sahib was such that instead of distributing pieces of the green cover among people, he gave all of that to me. This is such a huge wealth that I cannot describe it. The green cover of the holy shrine of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) has been a source of blessings and respectable since the beginning. I shall present before you a few incidents about it. What was the dignity of such blessed things in the eyes of the elders? Hazrat Maulana Rasheed Ahmad Gangohi (RA)  had a piece of the green cover of the holy shrine of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH). He used to kiss that everyday. He used to kiss that on every friday. He would recite durood pak. Put it onhis eyes and rub it on his chest. And the people would regularly come to see that on friday. (ref. Shahaab-as-Saaqib, p. 52). Similarly, at the place of Sufi Muhammad Abdullah sahib (RA) the dust and green cover was respected and its blessings were achieved. What would be that green piece of that great cover that is hanged inside the shrine of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH). Where billions of durood and salutations are recited by the jinns and human beings. What would be the blessings of that cover and its dignity.  For illnesses, problems and end of blockages, solution of problems, to remove the problems, seeing this cover cols the eyes and while seeing it reciting the durood sharif is certainly a solution of so many familial problems. It all depends on certainty of faith. 


A few incidents: I would like to quote a few incidents about the green cover. When Sultan Noor-ud-din zing (RA) built a wall of lead around the shrine of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH), at that time a servant of the holy shrine of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) gave him a piece of the cover of the holy shrine. Sultan used to protect it more than his own life. On ever friday and on every friday night he used to see it. It was a princele of the sultan that he used to recite a tasbih of durood sharif first. And then he used to see it. The sultan himself says, that whenever and for whatever purpose I saw it, all of my needs were fulfilled. I gained victories, sustenance, respect and honor. Sultan Muzaffar was a just ruler of Multan. Muzaffar Garh is named after him. He had a piece of the cover of the holy shrine of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH). It was his routine that whenever he used to go for a journey, he used to keep that with him. And whenever he used to have a difficulty, he would recite durood sharif and see it. He used to pray to Allah. And Allah would fulfill all of their needs and solve all of their difficulties. It is quoted about the sons of Shah Wali Ullah (RA), Shah Abdul Ghani (RA) that Sheikh received the piece of the green cloth of the holy shrine of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) during his journey to Medina. He used to respect it a lot. Rather there are a lot of stories that people used to knock his doors and he would show them the sacred cover of the holy shrine of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH). People's problems would be solved. My shaikh hazrat Khawaja syed Muhammad Abdullah Hajveri (RA) used to tell a story, that while staying in Delhi in a certain Kashghari street, a sage used to be majzoob. He used to have profound states. Sometimes he would be in a state of jab. He had a piece of the green cover of the holy shrine of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH). He locked this piece in a leather box. He used to tie it on his head like a turban for the whole day. He used to be reciting durood pak all the day. He used to take that off only when he had to go to toilet. Other than that he would not. So much so that while sleeping at night the box of leather would be present with his bed. My shaikh Hazrat Abdullah Hajveri (RA) says that I developed fever once upon a time. It remained for 2.5 months. It wold heal in any way. My aunt who older than my father, she eld my finger and took me to the house of that majzoob. In house there always used to be a crowd of people who wanted to gain benefits from the blessed cover. People used to come from far flung places. So much so that it is heard that people used to come from such far places that they used to travel for nine days and used to bring their patients. Or if someone had a desire he should recite durood sharif and see the blessed cover and his purpose would be achieved. Problems used to be solved and wishes were answered. My murshid hazrat Hajveri (RA) says that Allah Almighty gave me health due to this cover. Readers! These are the blessings of this blessed cover that is hanging all around the windows inside the shrine of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH). In the subcontinent before 1935 such an incident happened that a plague spread in the whole country. Complete colonies and towns were evacuated. Hundreds of cures and prescriptions were tried. The sacred cover of the shrine of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) was only in two places in the subcontinent at that time. One was in Delhi and one was with a sage in Bahawalpur. This is a proven fact that whoever went close to the blessed cover, their prayers were answered and their problems solved, illnesses healed, and the epidemic did not engulf them. Qudrat mullah Shahaab writes in his Shahaab naama that in 1960 he went to Umra with president Ayub. There he had an opportunity to go inside the shrine of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH). As soon as he went inside, he started crying. For a moment he held the cover of the shrine. Tears started falling off his eyes. Qudrat mullah Shahaab writes additionally that, I only saw him shedding so much tears only once during his life. Readers! I want that this blessing should not remain with me. Rather the whole humanity and ummat of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) should also benefit from this. By the will of Allah I want to make dum to people without distributing tokens. I would try that they see the cover of the shrine as well. It must be made clear that the blessings and effects the blessed cover have innumerable stories over the history of fourteen centuries. WHoever say with respect and while reciting durood sharif whatever desire they had in their heart, Allah almighty fulfilled that and the problem was solved. Note: If you have any additional incident or experience, please write about that.


Good behavior is a pious deed and bitter behavior is a bad deed. Ignorance is a curse. Having ability to do something by God is a blessing. (Muhammad Awais Butt, Abbotabad)


Three trenches in the hell: A person who performs an aitkaaf of one day to achieve the pleasure of Allah Almighty. Allah almighty will create 3 trenches between him and the hell. The distance between them would be more than the distance between the sky and the earth. (Bukhari, ref: The physical and spiritual prescriptions of ramadhan.)


It is quoted that a person who used to indulge in bad behavior and sins reflected on his sins once during ramadhan. He got embarrassed and said [SPACE FOR ARABIC TEXT]. bad He had said that only 3 times that he died and Allah Almighty forgave him and gave him the ranks of martyrs. (with reference to Kitaab nidaamat ke anus)

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